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Mars is fourth planet from the sun in our solar system.

The planet is named Mars after the Roman God War. It is also referred to as the ‘’Red Planet’’ because of its reddish appearance due to iron oxide prevalent on its surface.


It is found that water vapour exists on the planet, and there is probability of life after Earth in our solar system. 

The highest position on Mars is 21.000 mt’s in height which is the tallest in our solar system.


You wıll be very successful this mounth .

Aquarius people are very freedom-loving people.

They ‘re sometimes  irresponsible.But they general characteristics are helpfull,


TAVRUS: He general structure of taurus showing strength in the face of challenging, patient and has a determined personality. Sign of the zodiac is to have the most patient. Usually you'd think they were ripened early. Innovations and don't like taking risks. Decision-stage screening process for going through the process of weaving, something you cannot return anything from the decision if they decide to them. They are a creature of habit. Guaranties never leave you because of the structure of the job if they didn't, don't like surprises either. Taurus man as General calm; however, when the buttons are pressed has a destructive rage. Taurus woman, patient, understanding, and self-sacrificing. They planet is venus





SAGITTARIUS: The sagittarius, which has a character variable, are the fire element. Sagittarius energy and life with the ability to adapt to the conditions it succeeds. The planet of luck and abundance, under the direction of jupiter, and add him next chance you will achieve what you want in life in general. But you are not required to discipline. He needs change, so she takes care of many things at the same time and never stay on the same job he can't. So, any issue to get to the bottom of a human being there is a possibility of not superficial. Sagittarius researcher has a structure. Philosophical, metaphysical, and spiritual think about the world. This the bushings new countries, new cultures want to get to know. Take off the fire element of the maceraperestlik to travel with. No matter where travel for him it is a need. If he cannot do this, works himself mentally. Participate in the conference, go to or even want to go back to college courses. Make judgments about past and present events that underlie the moral and ethical values. To learn and to synthesize them is located between sagittarius Characteristics. To him it is important that you do your research. In this aspect a little philosopher. A good public speaker, participates in discussions, open sessions, panels he takes pleasure in watching. Ufuklu are interested in the details and the big wide events for kidnap. They're interested in the details of the big issues for them is boring. Sincere and optimistic sagittarius man has a structure. Generous, considerate, smart, hot and very excitable has a character. The sagittarius woman his wife as himself want to be cultured and smart



GEMINI:. Sort of changes very quickly and is a character of contradictions. Then for a moment he's a lovely man who makes jokes while a second may be irritable and cranky. Apparently a moment of the gemini people do not fit into another. Is here today, yes, but there is no guarantee that it will be here tomorrow. The concentrate could not be istahlilig monkey, and it owes to quickly get bored, jumps from topic to topic. Despite being restless and hyperactive, like a lot of changes and innovations. For it is almost impossible to stay in the same spot for a long time. Because of the stress in his head what a process may experience intense physical mental relaxation. The unrest to jump from branch to branch, and run it from there opens to Gemini man and gemini woman people are friendly, look cute as, how lovable while he stands on his feet pretty straight look you can achieve. Family ties still retains, brother depends on. In fact, family relationships are complicated. With his brothers or a great deal, or beef will be. Need to socialize, and this prepares him when he meets new people also need to act alone. Also enjoys flirting.also a lot of fun is a sign of.





LEO: Ruling planet, the sun, the zodiac of leo is the king of. How the sun, the solar system is the heart of if, leos have a desire to become the focus of attention. The most dominant character of those around him will remain in the background next to him. Are to be so extreme as to cause others to feel the pressure of pride. A healing effect on the lives of the people around you thinks that it is because, is intrusive. Therefore, believes that as a leader was born, and act accordingly. Only words that can be defined with the features of leo is so pronounced. For a leo Woman; loving, charming, cheerful, friendly, proud, elegant, charming, you can call maverick. On the other hand, for a leo man; highly self-confident, creative, childlike, gentle, passionate, ambitious, hardworking, brave, noble, self-indulgent, authoritarian, stubborn, a leader, smart, complex, arrogant, conceited concepts such as back-to-back and we place the order defines the self.


SCORPIO: The water element is extremely emotional for the scorpio belongs to the group. However, seeing as a sign of weakness to open your feelings, is adept at concealing his feelings. Is qualified because hard, stubborn, and has a structure that does not give up easily. Difficult to change their ideas, and their loved ones with the same determination against the commitment is strong.

You want to have your own completely control the life of a scorpio. Has no tolerance for anything beyond their control. So on your mind constantly travels with accounts and plans. Controlling is not expected to be of such extreme fatalistic. This is the cause of being overly possessive and jealous at the same time of the front. A commitment to living in the dimensions of the passion of. A very strong desire to live, enjoy life and be passionate about has led to.

A scorpio that penetrating to the soul, that almost reads your mind from the eyes you can recognize. The scorpio woman is extremely attractive to the fore with the femininity of a woman. If a scorpio man is cool, calm, and they have a charismatic aura. When you get eye contact with one of them, behind your eyes be able to see if, he still and stoic stance you can clearly see the energy behind the sea. Although on the surface may seem stagnant, the water turns into a waterfall at the end are like that. A mysterious structure have about themselves and they won't tip easily. This discretion is a defensive mechanism for them.




CONCER: The element of water from the group of structures is under the influence of the emotional cancer. Together with strong intuition, intense has a sense of compassion and mercy. Generally they'll be humble people. Due to sensitivities, are susceptible of emotional turmoil. All of the emotions, has a strong influence on them. It is because entrepreneurs are pioneering. Soft appearance, despite a shrewd intelligence in this competition there is and can use it. Cancer woman she is very fond of her mother. Cancer represents fondness slot. Therefore a lot depends on the home and children. Tolerance to self with approaching, understanding wants a wife. A little is more protective; however, a good mother is. Sign cancer the crab man just as a woman, a man is attached to the house. All is the most peaceful place on earth is the house for him. Home fortress acts as he feels safe. Warm, safe, and all life is the quest of a peaceful home environment

Infinite Black Hole

Sometimes a star die with a big bang.We called that Supernova.After that star gets bigger.But it’s core gets more smaller.When it gets enoughly smallness it transforms into a black hole.Black holes are scariest things in the universe.They have infinite space-time singularity.And they radiate a radiation that is called Hawking Radiation.So they can’t live forever.A thing that have a finite mass it can’t create infinite space-time singularity.But if we have a thing that have no mass it can create a space-time singularity.So black holes aren’t a thing.They are only curved space-time that is infinite.Black holes must be infinite.Because if it doesn’t infinite ,it must destroy itself because of attraction.But there is a time stopping in black hole.İt can’t destroy itself.So black holes are infinite.If black holes are infinite,they need infinite space-time.So universe must be infinite.Because we know that only this universe has it’s own space-time.Some scientists think that there is a black hole in the middle of the Milky Way.And they think Milky Way is formed because of this black hole.And this black hole is larger,larger and larger from our star,Sun.





    April will be a positive month, but the first week will likely require special attention. For most Aries, it appears there will be a rather angry full moon lunar eclipse April 4 in Libra, lighting your relationship sector.        A VIP may be in a feisty mood, or it may be that a detractor, most likely a woman, will suddenly want to take advantage of the unstable situation and challenge you unfairly so that she may cast herself in a good light - at your expense. The woman in question appears to be a boss, co-worker, critic, or competitor, but aspects are not clear; this person may not be one at work but may alternatively be a family member or spouse. Uranus in Aries will make you want to strike out rebelliously, but the better action would be to wait silently until all events play out.

     This episode will rattle your nerves, but stay cool because Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, has become aware of the situation and will be standing by to staunchly protect you, no small asset. Additionally, Venus, the planet that rules Libra, the sign where the eclipse falls, will be in direct, friendly conversation with Pluto. It appears a female ally will come to your aid to untangle events - and the truth will set you free.

Your love life, especially if single, is about to bring thrilling news. April 8. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and will remain in your house of true love until mid-August. One of your best days for experiencing romance will fall mid-week, April 22, when Venus and Jupiter will work together to help you feel the exciting zing of Cupid's arrow.

     Also, you may want to pay attention to the weekend of April 25-26, when Venus in Gemini will contact surprise-a-minute Uranus in Aries. You may find a short getaway will bring a sudden introduction to someone new that changes everything. If you are attached, this bubbly weekend can jumpstart more fun together.

     Your career has been going exceptionally well, but now, with the impending retrograde of Pluto, April 16, you may come to a temporary plateau. From then until September 25, the date when Pluto will turn on his power again, it would be wise for you to stick to what is on your plate rather than assertively attempt to develop new territory or additional professional relationships. Polish current projects after April 18, for if you do, when the new moon in your prestigious tenth house of fame arrives a few months from now on July 1, your performance will be lauded for the attention you gave to critical details, and you will be looked on favorably for advancement.

     A very important new moon, April 18, in Aries may bring surprising news, allowing you to pursue a dream that previously seemed out of reach. If you yearn for change, this new moon will open up opportunity for you. Leave behind all situations or relationships that that are dysfunctional or no longer of value, and move forward toward creating better circumstances. If your birthday falls on or near April 18, you will have a double dip of luck in the days to follow this new moon, so plan to hit the ground running.



     A development in your health or in regard to a work-related project will likely reach an important stage at the full moon lunar eclipse in Libra, April 4. If something comes up, take good care and call the doctor.

If the question relates to your health, and you need a specialist, show your Taurus practicality by seeking a range of medical opinion, and with your chosen doctor or practitioner, plot your most sensible course of action.

If the matter involves a work project at the eclipse April 4, things may spin out of control just as you are about to wrap and ship it out. No need to worry - you will have two major planets to help resolve any difficulty that arises - namely Jupiter and your ruler, Venus - so things may not be nearly as disastrous as you may initially assume. Avoid making a knee-jerk reaction, and instead, mull things over and wait until the dust settles. The right answer will emerge in a few days.

You have an enormous advantage in that Mars will enter Taurus on April 1, to stay until May 11, giving you the right moment to start an important new initiative in any realm of life that pleases you. Mars will allow you to show passion and drive, and your confidence for your goal will ensure you achieve all you set out to do. If you are skeptical that you possess the kind of power that would allow you to influence higher ups, watch how well things unfold for you on April 21-22, when Mars and Pluto and Venus and Jupiter will make you shine, professionally and romantically.



A love relationship may come up at the full moon lunar eclipse, April 4. This wayward eclipse will reveal unexpected news, and with Uranus (surprises) and Pluto (force) in hard angles, you may be horrified by what you hear and worry that you don't have many options to deal with the matter. You will have choices, and those will become clear later in the week. You may wonder why you never saw the troublesome character traits in a friend or lover surface until now. Jupiter in your communication house will give you all the right words to discuss the episode with the person in question in an articulate, objective way. The relationship may be mendable, so go slowly and avoid rushing to judgment before you get all the facts. A lot of dust will be kicked up, so it will initially be hard to see the real from the not real, but all eclipses have a second act, where more information is forthcoming.

The rest of the month will be easier to navigate. The new moon of April 18 will bring a fresh crop of people into your sphere, and some will become friends. Your new friends will be very different from ones you have now - they will be more adventuresome and more fun than those in your present circle. Your new friends will motivate you to create your own projects to set in motion.

Your new friends appear to be well connected, so you may get introductions to an influential person who can help you turn your dreams into reality. If you need funding, bankers and investment types will be interested in reviewing your business plan - do so on April 21. The more creative, visionary, and imaginative your ideas, the more likely you will see your plan take off, as indicated by Neptune's friendly position in your house of fame and prestige. The caveat is that your plan be also grounded and financially practical, something Pluto in Capricorn in your house of other people's money will insist you do. If you have already begun working on a new endeavor, you will need to keep all that you are currently doing confidential for now, for it appears you will still have details to hone. You won't be ready to show your ideas to VIPs until mid-May.

You need romantic fun too, and you will have time to relax. Venus will move into Gemini on April 11, to stay until May 7, and Venus will work to boost your allure quite a bit. This also makes for an ideal time to go shopping for clothes that express the real "you" Refresh your hair too - Venus in Gemini will help you decide on changes you will love. Best day to shop or consult beauty experts will be April 22 when Venus will receive golden beams from Jupiter, the happiness planet. This same day, April 22, will also be special for a very romantic date night.

Your best weekend for love and fun will be when Venus in Gemini, ruler of your house of true love, will be contacted by Uranus, planet of surprise, in a jolly old mood over April 25-26.

When Mars enters Gemini on Ma


y 11 for the first time in two years, you will be moving on fast forward. It will be time to show the world all you've been doing in secret. You will be powerful and command attention professionally, and in love, your magnetism will be very strong.



Your living situation is about to change dramatically, perhaps sooner than you had anticipated, due to a full moon lunar eclipse of April 4 that will bring events to critical mass. This eclipse has an angry side, but other planets are coming to your aid, so all is not lost. The difficult part will be the unexpected nature of the news and how dynamically the changes at home will affect other parts of your life, including your career. Someone will be taking a hard line with you. This may be your marriage or business partner, or someone else in your life that wants his own way and won't be open to your urgings for him to be reasonable. I use the pronoun "him" as the energy seems masculine.

Fortunately, Jupiter is now in your financial sector, suggesting you are about to come into a generous amount of money. If you have not already heard news of a large check coming to you, you will soon, possibly in early April when Jupiter will reach out to your career honors and reputation sector, suggesting your status in your industry will rise, despite news that might rattle you at the eclipse April 4. Sometimes enforced changes work in our favor, dear Cancer - this seems to be the case for you.

The new moon of April 18 will open up more professional opportunities. This will be the best new moon of the year to appear in your career sector, making April a critical month for professional decisions you need to make. You seem to be at the right place at the right time in the days following this new moon, so investigate any and all career offers, and keep searching the listings.

Life will bring you plenty of time to play and unwind too. Mars in Taurus will see to it that you have many invitations for socializing, and friends will want you to attend their most lively events. When Mars contacts Pluto on April 21, you may be at a gathering where many successful people will attend - bring lots of business cards, as you will want to follow up with some of the new people that you meet.

Another weekend that is sure to be romantic will be on April 12, when Mars and Neptune will be in sync, setting up a heavenly atmosphere for you to meet a new person. If you have a date for that evening, think about going to a museum, concert, ballet, or poetry reading. Some days are perfect for enjoying inspirational artistic endeavors, and this is one of them.

On April 29, the Sun and Neptune will collaborate, making for a lovely time to be off on a holiday. If you can go to a beautiful spot near water, you will come back feeling all new. If you can take a few days off, do, dear Cancer.



Pack your bags, dear Leo, for you'll be on the road. It appears you may have to leave quickly on, or near the full moon lunar eclipse, April 4 in Libra. Venus rules this eclipse and is based in your status and reputation sector, so you appear to need to travel for your work. Unfortunally, things will not go according to plan. You may be hoping to get a contact or purchase order from your client, but problems with the way the project has been proceeding has not pleased your client. You may not have been aware of your client's displeasure, so the news you receive will seem to come out of the blue. Steel your nerves and calmly listen to the objections your client needs to say, and reflect on what you hear.

Supportive planets that will allow you to save the day with grace. Good fortune Jupiter in Leo will be communicating with impulsive, surprising Uranus in your travel sector, indicating a compassionate face-to-face meeting will help to melt most of the concerns. Saturn, planet of longevity, will be in good angle to Mercury, planet of negotiation and contacts, so you do have the ability to draft a new agreement that will stand the test of time.

Best of all, you will have Mars, the planet of action, entering your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame on April 1, to stay through May 11. This marks a key moment in 2015 to get ahead in your career, for you have not had the powerful help from Mars to boost your profile in two years.

Just two days after Mars leaves your career sector next month on May 17, you will have another brand new moon in the same prestigious part of your chart, allowing you to reach for the brass ring. If you are serious about getting a promotion or new offer, mobilize in April by streamlining your bio and resume and by getting discussions started. Ask colleagues and VIPs for tips and introductions. You are closer to getting approved for a higher position than you might assume. Don't let anything distract you - it will be vital that you keep your hands on the steering wheel and your eyes focused on the road ahead, with no distractions.

When it comes to finding love if you are single, with Jupiter in Leo until August 11, you will have enormous magnetism. Circulate now, for it would be a shame to closet yourself inside during a time when your potential for finding love is so strong.Venus, the love planet, will glide through Gemini from April 11 to May 7, a time when you'll find you'll be invited to more parties and gatherings than is usual. Friends will coax you out, and the fun you have on April 22 may be one for the record books. The weekend of April 25-26 will be special too, and certainly worthy of a getaway holiday weekend with your sweetheart or spouse. What a month, dear Leo!




Keep a close eye on your finances, for a strong full moon lunar eclipse in Libra is due on April 4. Eclipses are very powerful and bring endings and closure, and with Uranus prominent, and Pluto taking a moody, angry stance, the news may be quite jarring and completely unexpected. However, for you have enough planetary support from other planets to turn the tables to your favor. Much later, you may conclude the episode was a blessing in disguise or at the very least, not the disaster you initially assumed it to be.

The types of funds you may be thinking about are your savings, or an investment. Or, the funds you need may pertain to something you need to buy or a bill you need to pay, possibly for taxes. If you had asked for a raise, the answer will come within four days of this eclipse. Money may come in, but may also go out, for you may have a large unexpected expense at this full moon. Still, you can come out ahead if you keep your wits about you.

The matter may have to do with taxes, property in a divorce, etc. or it might focus you on your source of income (and an ensuing meditation about whether you are satisfied with the way you make your money). Although Pluto will be in an angry mood, and Uranus, the surprise planet, is causing volatility, you seem to have more than enough planetary support from other planets. This eclipse may actually bring good financial news when all is said and done. It is also possible that if news is negative in the beginning, events will work in your favor as events gradually unfold.

Venus, a key player in this eclipse and the highest elevated planet in your solar chart (significant as Venus rises above all the rest of the plants) and beautifully angled to Pluto, although perhaps jarring at first, may bring a happy financial finish. Further, Jupiter will be in ideal angle to the Sun and Uranus, so you may suddenly come into money from other news at the time, as odd as that sounds. Someone influential appears to be taking care of you, to see that you do well, but you may not know the identity of this person. A friend also seems central to what is happening, and will be working on your behalf. You will know which friend is being so loyal to you, so express your gratitude.

The rest of the month will be far less dramatic. Money will again be a focus for you at the new moon April 18. The same type of funds will be a focus for you, but this time, rather than see an ending, this new moon will open a path to financial opportunity. With Uranus so close to the Sun, if you make any decisions, check with your financial advisor first, as you may be tempted to be too impulsive. The funds you will think about won't be salary, but more focused on insurance, investments, and so forth. This point in the month should be stress-free and allow you to move forward on financial goals.

April 21-22 will be your finest days of the month because Venus and Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will be in sync. You may get publicity or score a big victory at work, one that puts you on the short list of star employees in the making at work. Outstanding benefits will come to you from behind the scenes, and you may not know who is the source of your good fortune. View your luck as a big, beautiful bouquet sent to you from a loving universe.

Travel will also be in the picture, and it appears you will need to go for work. You will love it - you'll go to an exciting city a great distance from your base, and possibly oversees. This trip, if taken from April 18 to 26, will likely be highly successful, and you will come back with your goal met. It looks like you may earn a good commission or bonus from the work you do too.



April may prove to be the most important month of the year for you, for it holds the full moon lunar eclipse in Libra, April 4. Full moon eclipses bring things to a culmination, and in this case, it will involve a close relationship in love, marriage, or business. Uranus will act in a wild way, and because Uranus is the planet of rebellion and idiosyncratic behavior, it may be that you will view your partner as acting unpredictably and out of character, putting your nerves on edge.

Alternatively, in a completely different manifestation of how things go, your partner may be in crisis, and you may need to drop everything and help.You may need to make a new plan of action in this relationship, as it won't be possible to go back to rewind the tape to an earlier time. When an eclipse comes by, the only way possible is forward. You will know your own mind, for the eclipse will be in Libra and will illuminate your choices quite vividly. You may get a feeling of relief now, especially if you have been vacillating about what to do about your relationship before this eclipse arrived. Often, an eclipse will set in motion events that force us to do what we were unable to do for ourselves. In this case, what might happen is the eclipse will take things out of your hands and sets things in motion for you. Amid the cast of characters around you, a friend will play a leading role and be a fount of wise advice and emotional support.

Venus, your ruler, will hold sway over how things go in the end, and it appears an impending living situation will be part of the discussion. Happily, Venus and Pluto will be in sync, suggesting a home-related or family matter can be quickly transformed and resolved in an agreeable way. The events and discussions that took place a year and six months ago will now bring talks to a new level, and hopefully, you will be able to resolve a period of difficulty and be ready to begin a new chapter.

After the eclipse, the rest of the month will be easier. The new moon in Aries on April 18 will open possibilities with a partner within a calm, productive environment. It is unclear if this person is the partner you were thinking about earlier at the eclipse on April 4, or is a completely different one. The seventh house where this new moon falls rules both romantic and business partnerships - one of these individuals may be ready to sign papers to make collaboration official.

If your home, other property, or people you deal with in connection with your home or property was the main issue at the full moon on April 4, then you may see a gratifying breakthrough when Mars and Pluto will be in sync on April 21. No doubt about it, April 21 will be a very special day.

For fun and pure luck, April 22 will be outstanding - your best day of the month! Venus and happiness planet Jupiter will be in sync, and again, you'll be touched by the care and support that a friend will show you. 




As you start April, a full moon eclipse may bring actions of a co-worker or client into the open, and you may be upset to learn what has been happening off stage, behind the scenes, without your knowledge. Of course, this person hoped you'd never find out, but eclipses have a way of exposing truth in a very thorough way. What you decide to do will be up to you, but as you know well, knowledge is power.

Scorpio has the finest career aspects of any of the signs in 2015, and this will last until mid-August. Almost nothing can tarnish your reputation or stop your ascent to the top of the mountain. On this eclipse, Jupiter will be watching over the Sun and Uranus in your sixth house of projects, ensuring that the outcome is a success. Venus will be in sync with your ruler, Pluto, and help you find all the right words to smooth over any situation. Your skill in negotiation and communication will eventually win you the day.Alternatively, if you find office politics or a project that is spinning out of control is not your focus during the first week, it may be that you will need to address a health matter. An eclipse may bring that concern that has suddenly reached a critical stage where it's obvious you need professional help to manage it.

If a problem is latent, it will present itself at a full moon eclipse. If you need to see a doctor of any specialty, don't hesitate to call, for the sooner you do, the sooner you will feel better. This eclipse will cover all areas of wellness, including physical and mental disorders, as well as habits that you need to quit. In terms of a destructive habit you may have picked up, you may get evidence at eclipse time that yours has reached a stage where you must attend to it, and that's when all kinds of good things start to happen. Success is always based on strong motivation!

The new moon April 18 will give you a chance to turn over a new leaf in terms of your fitness and health in the ten days that follow. You might join a gym or start a new group fitness class, say for aerobics, yoga, or Pilates. You might take lessons in a new sport, or, because the new moon is in competitive, athletic Aries, you may train for a marathon or other competition. Mars is in a partnering house, so you may decide to accomplish your fitness goals with a friend - ask on one of your best days of the month, April 21, when your friend will enthusiastically agree to join you.

At the same time, your office life will become very hectic, with many projects coming in, and all seem to be due at the same time. Keep your social schedule clear - the week of April 20 to 24 will be wild, with a lot of pressure on you to complete projects quickly. You may decide you need to assemble a team, and if so, you may have to quickly hire recruits on a temporary basis.

In your career, you will have a sensational day, April 22, when the planet of expansion, happiness, and financial gain will reach out to Venus in your house of commissions, benefits, and bonuses. The project may cater to women's interests, or it may be a woman executive who goes out of her way to be sure you are rewarded. This is a day when you may end the day with more money in your pocket than when you entered it. Perks are worth money too - like great health insurance - so keep that in mind as a lucky area for you on April 22.

You have a lot going on this month, so romance will take a back seat to work and health, but next month that imbalance will be corrected, and you will have time for fun and love.



In astrology, the most dramatic tool the universe uses to create change is to send an eclipse. We have one, a full moon lunar eclipse on April 4, to light your house of friendship. Lunar eclipses bring endings, so you may see a friend move away, or in a more dramatic manifestation, you may have a bad falling out with a friend, and it may be due to her comments or actions pertaining to money she owes you (or you owe her), or her negative comments about the person you are dating or how you care for your children.

This could be a touchy situation, so before you react, make sure you have all the facts. If the problem centers on money, that issue can be solved easily, due to a beam from Venus to Pluto - suggest remedies. An alternative way this full moon eclipse may work out is that you discover your friend is dealing with a serious set of life reversals and needs your support. Any full moon eclipse can be draining, so don't have an overloaded schedule in April's first week - you will need flexibility, for you will want to help her. (Your friend appears to be female, as a lunar eclipse points to a woman.)

If you want to connect better with the person you are dating, the new moon of April 18 will give you that opportunity in the week that follows it. If you are single and not dating, this same new moon will sound the bell for you to make a concerted effort to leave the office at a reasonable hour and circulate. This will be one of the best moments of the year for you to find love, and with Jupiter, planet of good fortune, in beautiful angle to your Sun, rarely have you had such a perfect time to find your "true north." You may travel spontaneously this month, and the trip may bring a fateful meeting of a new romantic interest, perhaps on the plane that either takes you to your destination or while heading back home.

Your best days to find love will be April 21 and 22, when Mars, the ruler of your house of true love, will receive a beam from transformative Pluto. (This will also be a day when you may hear good news about money.) The following day, April 22, will be equally special, for Venus and your ruler, Jupiter, will stir up a day of fun, luxury, and happiness.

The weekend of April 25-26 would be ideal for a romantic overnight trip in the country for fresh air, sports, and private time together. Venus in Gemini will help to send soothing vibrations to your relationship house over that weekend, so attached or dating Sagittarius will have a slight edge on this weekend at month's end.

In your career, you are putting in an outstanding performance, so by late August or September, you may be up for an important promotion or juicy offer from a competitive company. This month your creativity will be especially strong, so if you work in a creative field, or even if you don't, you should show your ideas to the most powerful and influential people you know or can get to know, for your ideas have legs and can take you precisely where you want to be.


Brace for changes on the career front and at home, when the full moon lunar eclipse April 4 will come by and stir the waters. News will come up suddenly, and you won't have any idea of what may happen. You might have already felt the April 4 eclipse last month, but most will feel it on time, within days of April 4.

At work, it looks like you have been offered a high profile spot, or soon will. This new role for you will put you "out there" for all to see, and your good work may be praised later to beyond your own industry. In another possible translation of the April 4 eclipse, a top woman executive may suddenly leave, or you may decide you need a change and announce your own departure. If you make an important life decision, it may be done spontaneously or because you are strongly urged to do so - but when it comes to career matters, take your time and refused to be rushed. It also seems that all that occurs at work is push-pulling you in two directions, for surely you have plenty going on at home too.

For a long time you've had an unstable situation at home that required a resolution, but none of your options seemed to be the right one. The April 4 eclipse will tear down long held structures and create a more fluid situation, so the right answer may now finally surface, or at least give you an opening for change. An improvement to your residence almost always requires large funding, and thankfully, good fortune Jupiter will be standing by to help you get all the money you need to move or renovate, and offer you attractive terms.

Mercury, planet of agreements, leases, deeds, and other legal paperwork will receive a golden beam from your ruler, Saturn, another indication that even if your professional situation brings big changes, those shifts will benefit you. You may have to turn on a dime when you see or hear about a job or home, property, or residential situation you want, as events will move rapidly in April, faster than you've ever seen. Be decisive! If your physical home is set, you may be working on ways to help your mother or father, or other members of your family.

Financially, on or very near April 22, you are due to score a great bargain with an investor or buyer, and it may have something to do with a real estate or family matter - the result could be big. If you are bidding on a house or apartment, be sure to browse spaces over April 25-26, for you could win the bid right out of the blue!

In love, Mars will brighten everyday life by bringing lots of social events, and those A-list events will give you the motivation to make yourself as attractive as you can be. Venus is in the same sector, making sure new clothes and changes to your looks will garner you plenty of compliments. When Pluto in Capricorn receives a beam from Mars in Taurus on April 21, your charisma will hit an all-time high. If you are invited to a party, accept!





Quite a bit of travel might take place this month for you, with the most important trip being one that you may have to take quickly on April 4. You may need to see a close family member, such as an in-law, uncle or aunt, sister or brother. Or, it may be to view a piece of real estate if you plan on moving or relocating, or buying or selling a house or condo. Your travel over the eclipse appears to be for personal and not professional reasons. Mars and Venus are activating your living situation in a big way, offering you a solution to any family or home-related question you may have pondered for a long time.

The eclipse of April 4 may also activate legal matters, a publishing or broadcasting project, or one involving academic goal or grant. See which area will come up - it seems to surprise you in some way.

For now, your career progress will slow down with the move of Pluto to retrograde on April 16 until September 24. Pluto is the natural ruler of your tenth house of prestigious career advancement. During that phase, from mid-April to end of September, you may find it will become a little harder for you to make contact with VIPs who can help you land a better position than you had up to now. You will have a fine career full moon next month on May 3, but if that full moon does not produce an offer, set your sights for later in the year, to a fabulous full new moon November 11, that although seems far away, you can start working toward now.

On April 21, you may get very exciting news, and want to act on it - Mars and Pluto will be working hard to allow you to move forward on home and family matters. This month shows that your interest in improving your living quarters will only grow larger by May. Take all opportunities to look into your options, starting now.

More travel is likely later in the month, just after the new moon, April 18. In the second half, your trips will bring you over shorter distances, but again, the reason for your travels will be personal. If you are single, you may want to go to a resort that is known to attract singles, for Venus will be jazzing your fifth house of true love at the time - weekends would be lovely to enjoy romance from April 12 to May 7.

Romantically, it would be hard to beat the day Venus in Gemini is sent a kiss by Jupiter in Leo on April 22. It's a Wednesday, but you can still surprise your steady love with dinner out or tickets to the theatre. If you were trying to find the right time to meet in person someone that you met online, use this day.

Your best weekend this month to travel for romantic fun and love will be when your ruling planet, Uranus, planet of surprise and impulse, will signal Jupiter in Gemini in your solar fifth house of true love, April 25-26. The moon will be in Leo, so you'll want accommodations with a touch of luxury.

If you are attached, you may find that a beautiful dinner in a restaurant with flowers and known for fine food will bring a heavenly experience for the two of you over April 22. Jupiter is still moving through your commitment sector, making now through the coming months ideal to wed, all the way to mid-August. Jupiter is the giver of gifts and luck, and is making your sign, Aquarius, the most fortunate sign for marriage and for building partnerships for any kind. On April 22, you might get engaged, an ideal day to do so, or for sharing deep feelings of love for each other.



From time to time, you have had to focus on money management, although you would prefer to leave that job to others, and remain thinking about the important creative projects that you are working on now. When a strong lunar eclipse comes by like the one due April 4, you won't have much of a choice - money will be your focus. The funds you will be thinking about will center on those covered by the eighth house of "other people's money" - which refers to credit, bank and student loans, insurance payouts, mortgage, taxes, inheritance, court settlements, and division of property in a divorce, and so forth.

At first the news of this eclipse may shock you, for this full moon eclipse will directly oppose Uranus, the planet of all things unanticipated, and that is not an easy aspect. Although this eclipse may bring fabulously positive news about money (Uranus is unpredictable, so news might be good), it is more likely to bring just the opposite, news that makes you feel like you just put all your fingers in two electrical sockets. However, surrounding this very jarring aspect will also be a plethora of positive planets to help the situation.

Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will be in very positive angle to the Sun in April's first week, suggesting if you do need better cash flow, if you are self-employed or in sales, you will likely be able to generate abundant fees from new business. You may also have luck in finding side jobs done on weekends or through overtime work.

Jupiter has been operating in low key because it has been retrograde from last December 8, but will turn direct on April 8. This means this planet of happiness and financial gain will work much harder for you from now on, and you will be heartened by the difference. Jupiter is your ancient ruler of Pisces, so Jupiter's turn direct is significant for you - better days ahead!

You may need surgery this month, so perhaps a procedure you put off will need to be addressed now. Do not concern yourself one bit - you have Jupiter, the great healer to help you.

You may also get a sudden influx of cash on or near April 26 when Venus and Uranus will work together to see you get a check. The sudden money that appears to be coming in to you near April 26 may come from a parent or other family member, or through the sale of property.

You will need or want to travel several times this month, thanks to the tour of Mars through Taurus until May 11. Your main reason for going could be personal, possibly to see a family member, or to visit a friend, or for business. One of your best days to be on the road will be April 21, when Mars and Pluto will be in sync.

Travel will also be linked to romance, either to meet someone new in a town close to yours (possibly during a weekend getaway) or to fan the fires of love you share with your partner. If you are attached, plan to leave town for private quality time together. Venus in Taurus will make those trips fun, so go - even if it can only be an overnight trip, go sometime in the first ten days of April.

Your home is getting more attention from you, and you may be planning a change in decor soon. Venus is now in your home sector, April 11 to May 7, a great time to begin choosing the colors, fabrics, tiles, wood finishes, and so forth for your scheme. By June you will be deep in the process of renovating, painting rooms, doing repairs and maintenance, or moving. This month, with such a friendly Venus, you can start the plans moving forward. Your very best day to make other design choices will be when Venus communicates with Jupiter, April 22.

Consider giving a party at home over the weekend of April 25-26 - it's sure to be a hit, thanks to Venus in ideal angle to Uranus.

A great day to focus on artistic endeavors will be April 29, when the Sun and your modern ruler, Neptune, will conjoin. You'll be a virtual idea factory, so set your sights on doing what you do best, coming up with new artistic ideas and concepts.



Capricorn people are love Money and they like rich person.

They’re very sensitiveand their planet saturn .

Sometimes they look very angry or agressive but they are good people.



Vırgo people  are very careful with of details.


They thinking    very easly.They  are happy people and  funny.


Some virgo ‘s are very hardworking.



they can be strung very fair and tolerant.

Sometimes  they are angry but also responnsibilities.

They are impatient too…


they are really lucky people.  they are  comfortable .but they also

worried.they are really sentimenatal.they cry

every thing .



They are naturelbut they like fight.

But always kind people.Aries is teh first sign and they have first emotion

Aries  people  have got socibial life too.


Ruling planet=mars



Lucky numbers=1,9

Lucky day=Tuesday

Lucky Stone=ruby



Plant=honeysuckle, geranium, lily

Precious Stone=diamond

Precious mine=iron



Ruling planet=venus



Lucky numbers=6,4

Lucky day=friday

Lucky Stone=emerald

Colour= pink, blue, dark green


Plant=apple, violet, cypress, poppy

Precious Stone=topaz

Precious mine=copper



Ruling planet=mercury



Lucky numbers=5,9

Lucky day=wednesday

Lucky Stone=cornelian

Colour=yellow, orange

Animal=birds, butterflies

Plant=walnut trees and hazelwoods, lavender, lily of the valley

Precious Stone=tourmaline

Precious mine=quicksilver



Ruling planet=moon



Lucky numbers=3,7

Lucky day=monday

Lucky Stone=pearl

Colour=yellow, white


Plant=lotus, cardoon

Precious Stone=moonstone, ambergris

Precious mine=copper



Ruling planet=sun



Lucky numbers=1,4

Lucky day=sunday

Lucky Stone=sapphire

Colour=orange, gold

Animal=cat, lion

Plant=rose, helianthus, orchid, chrysanthemum

Precious Stone=yellow sapphire, cat’s eye, brilliant

Precious mine=gold



Ruling planet=mercury



Lucky numbers=6

Lucky day=wednesday

Lucky Stone=Mary stone

Colour=yellow, green

Animal=pes and animals which can live alone


Precious Stone=dark sapphire, chrysolite

Precious mine=quicksilver



Ruling planet=venus



Lucky numbers=6,9

Lucky day=wednesday

Lucky Stone=emerald, opal

Colour=blue, lilac

Animal=snake, lizard

Plant=rose, almond, cypress

 Precious Stone=dark sapphire, chrysolite

Precious mine=copper



Ruling planet=mars, pluto



Lucky numbers=2,4

Lucky day=wednesday

Lucky Stone=topaz

Colour=dark red, purple


Plant= chrysanthemum, blackthorn, azalea, acacia trees

Precious Stone=turquoise, serpentine

Precious mine=plutonium



Ruling planet=Jupiter



Lucky numbers=5,7

Lucky day=thursday

Lucky Stone=cornelian

Colour=turquoise, purple


Plant= mulberry, amaryllis, dandelion, oak trees

Precious Stone=turquoise, sapphire, cornelian

Precious mine=tin



Ruling planet=saturn



Lucky numbers=2,8

Lucky day=saturday

Lucky Stone=garnet

Colour=dark green, brown


Plant= clove pink, ivy, pine tree, poplar, elm

Precious Stone=amber, coal

Precious mine=lead



Ruling planet=Uranus



Lucky numbers=4,8

Lucky day=sunday

Lucky Stone=turquoise

Colour=dark blue

Animal=Big birds

Plant= fruit trees and lotus

Precious Stone=glass

Precious mine=uranium



Ruling planet=neptune



Lucky numbers=2,6

Lucky day=friday

Lucky Stone=aquamarine

Colour=turquoise, Nile


Plant= fig, willow tree, water lily(lotus)

Precious Stone=pearl

Precious mine=platinum




Today, our subject is planets. The moon is the closest celestial object to earth. It is seen a miniature of the moon on this photo but it's a realphoto. As you can see on this photo,there are many craters on the surface of the moon.These craters formed by the impact of incoming meteoroids from the sky to the satellite. The solar system is made of many planets .Jupiter is the largest of these planets. Jupiter is an insurance for us. Why, because a lot of meteors enter the system in the sky, and Jupiter prevents them coming to the us by pulling them to itself. There mainings are destroyed by the magnetic field of earth. Since the moon does not have this feature, there are a lot of craters on the surface of the moon because of this crashes. There are some meteors that crashed the world. The largest of these is in Arizona. It is 1.5 km in diameter. There is an interesting feature of the moon. When the earth was formed, it is separated from the sun and stayed in the orbit of the sun and got cold. In the phase of getting cold small pieces were got into the orbit of it.Since the planets were unavailable to create their energies from the sun they got stoned and formed planets. However,the moon was formed when the moon's center of gravity is close to the earth, so the moon is close to the earth.Since the gravity of the moon is below, the moon stays the same in the orbit of the earth. Since the dark side of the moon is far away from the gravity and cheap, Americans land and take of  on the dark side of the moon. Most of the budget for the space travel is spent for getting rid of gravity. Abase is built on the moon for the Mars Project,because it's easier to go to Mars from moon than from earth.


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